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Witness and Exegesis

Witness and Exegesis

The West’s present sexual Moral Holiday is a product of many interrelated causes. Foremost among them is the widespread and growing ignorance of the Judaeo-Christian moral tradition, specifically, ignorance of the Bible and ignorance of those followers of Jesus and...
Some Fatherly Advice About Holy Communion

Some Fatherly Advice About Holy Communion

From the Old Testament: Fear God and depart from all evil (Proverbs 3:7). From the New Testament: For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: And when he had given...
Father’s Day, Rioters, Victims, Idolatry

Father’s Day, Rioters, Victims, Idolatry

Today is Sunday, June 21, and the Caesars, still fearing Covid-19 or something, keep the Churches shuttered. Not to be hindered, we have read our lessons as usual and found a disturbing juxtaposition of sacred and secular: The Gospel for today, the Second Sunday after...
Pious Christian Delusions

Pious Christian Delusions

Over the centuries, reversals of frankness in Christians’ discussions of sex have been dramatic. Clement of Alexandria (d. 215?), Lactantius (d. 320), to cite only two Early Church Fathers, were at times quite explicit. After a millennium and a half of ups and downs...